Who are we?

We are a non-governmental organization apolotique nonprofit and independent.

Registration No. 3/009/PDM-CSTCCD, the National Register of Associations of BENIN REPUBLIC.

People who work with concrete development, do it in a voluntary and disinterested. Hang the first year of operation, 99.2% of grants received have been dedicated to projects. Each donor can specify which project they prefer that their funds go.

As professionals from different sectors and with many years of experience, we know the importance of sustainable partnerships and transparent. Confidence and consistency are key issues for the smooth running of projects.


HOUNTONDJI Marin Casimir

Founder and Chairman


National Coordinator

Edwige Gérard Mahougnon

general treasurer

KETODJI Felicien - Founder and Director of NABUBA (Lokossa – BENIN)

Sentinel Angel orphanage is very proud of all the volunteers, donors and friends in other continents. They helped us to grow and that means that today we are able to reach more people. We learned a lot from them and try to get better every day. Everything we received directly promotes people in our community and somehow the country like Benin. We thank everyone, especially:

We are very happy for initiatives DEVEOLOPPEMENT CONCRETE and the work of its members and employees in France, Italy, Switzerland, Spain and England. We engage in close cooperation to achieve the agreed objectives.